Friday, January 23, 2009


We're here in Portland, Oregon at the band, Brightwood's house. Been here all day and will be here till tomorrow night. We're just tracking two new songs for demos. It's reminding of me of this past spring when we recorded for a few months straight. There is something so tiring about the process, but so satisfying at the same time. 

I was trying to install windows vista today on boot camp on my macbook..but once again, my bad luck..and just pure stupidity on my part...I accidently deleted the harddrive where was I was supposed to install vista on..and installed it somewhere where I wasn't supposed too..and then it completely took over my computer and only ran windows whenever I started my mac. So I was on the phone with mac phone support for two hours and finally got things figured out...agh...haha. You can only just laugh it off. That's what I did. 

Hopefully the songs turn out good. 

This is one of my favorite pictures. Once again, our drummers kids. Joshua, on the right, looks like the Michellin Tires baby. =)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


a picture of my new macbook. i really am too poor so i am financing it and will be making payments all year. this is actually my second macbook. my black macbook got stolen from my apartment last month. it really is bittersweet for me right now. i feel so... i can't really put a word to it. but so unfair. i feel like i am having to work extra hard right now in order to pay off something i just had one month ago. i swear, i had the worst luck in 08. my car gets stolen, my guitar gear gets stolen, my car broke down probably 3 times, i hit my friends car so i had to pay for that, and then lastly to top off the year in december, my black macbook. bad luck, i'm telling you.

i got a free printer though today. maybe my luck is changing.

plus, i went to costco and had a hot dog for $1.50 (thanks, anita!)

Friday, January 16, 2009


Two of my favorite things about playing the Showbox in Seattle.

1. The venue is legendary.

2. The cream cheese hot dog stand right outside when you walk out of the front entrance. Its immediately to your left. I walked outside while the show was still going on and stood there by myself about 10min ago in the freezing weather and just ate one alone. It was amazing.

Anyways, I took this picture during soundcheck today. I love blue lights. My favorite.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Shack!

So I have always had a problem with the desire to buy a lot of books..but never finding the time to read them. I love the idea of going to a bookstore and finding a good book and buying it..but I can never seem to actually read it. Its ridiculous and a bad habbit. I heard about this book from a lot of people so what did I do? Yup. Bought it. I've had it a few weeks. I'm on page 25. Its a start..I suppose.

I'm thinking you..whoever is reading my blog..should buy this book and we can read it at the same time. Yesh. Very good idea.

What's it about?
Buy it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Me at work. Right now. 6:34pm. That's one of my co-workers, Sarah.

I usually work at the theatre across the street, but for the rest of the year I think I'll mostly be working the student center instead. Steady hours = Steady money.

This concept of taking a picture with my phone, texting it to an address, and BAM! it's on the net on my blog. It's genius! I love it. I want to do it everyday. Hopefully people will actually my blog. Haha.

Monday, January 12, 2009

a new year

Here's my attempt at blogging for 09'.

I've been thinking a lot about my resolutions this year. Here's what I have so far.

-Read 12 books (that's a piece of cake for most I'm sure...but very challenging for me...)
-Be debt free by the end of the year.
-No soda for the whole year.