Tuesday, June 2, 2009


took a red-eye flight from seattle last night. made it to nashville 745am local time here. got our car rental.. drove to a starbucks... then got lost trying to find a chik-fil-a.. then went to visit a friend who works at a different record label in franklin, tn..they've some good artists coming out in the fall..then.. found a different chik-fil-a... then came to our friends house and relaxed.

we are resting today. day one of writing starts tomorrow with Allen Salmon (starfield, this beautiful republic, seabird, etc).. should be funn... will take lots of video footage and make some video blogs in the next couple days

1 comment:

  1. just saw your vlogs... awesomeeeee (i can't believe they let you take audio for a pre-release haha) man i am so excited for you guys! if only i played drums.. and not guitar... but if you guys need an extra keyboardist whenever! hollerrrrr =)
    also.. can you guys start playing whisper at
    your concerts and take a video.. thanks. haha
    -blessings, joe
